Frequently asked questions

Why should I choose SkyQuestions?

- We regularly update our question catalogs, providing an attractive representation of the current EASA ECQB question databases, among other things.
- Our question catalogs cover all major licenses (PPL, CPL, IR, ATPL, AZF, BZF, A-license, etc.).
- SkyQuestions' customer support is available to you throughout the subscription period.
- Selected questions feature high-quality image attachments.
- The comment function allows you to discuss all questions with other flight students.
- Clear and easily understandable statistics on your learning progress
- High system reliability through professional IT support.

Which licenses does SkyQuestions cover?

- PPL (A), PPL(H)
- IR
- A-license (paragliding)
- Pyrotechnic training
- NOTAM training
- ICAO language level vocabulary and abbreviation training

Which authorities use the ECQB-PPL question catalog?

- Belgium
- Germany (Berlin/Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, North Rhine-Westphalia (Düsseldorf and Münster), Saarland, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia)
- Greece
- Iceland
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Montenegro
- Austria
- Romania
- Slovenia
- Czech Republic
- Botswana
- Burundi
- Kenya
- Namibia
- Rwanda
- South Africa
- Tanzania
- Uganda

In which languages is SkyQuestions available?

- The ECQB-PPL is currently available in English, German, French, Dutch, Slovenian and Romanian. Please inquire about the examination language with the relevant authority.
- ATPL, CPL, and IR are available exclusively in English.
- NOTAM training, ICAO language level vocabulary and abbreviation training, pyrotechnic training, A-license (paragliding) are available exclusively in German.
- BZF I and BZF II are available exclusively in German, BZF E, AZF, and AZF E are available exclusively in English.

I have a question or comment. Who can I contact?

Feel free to contact us via email at info@skyquestions.com

I forgot my password, what can I do?

You can reset your password on the login page under the "Reset password" menu item.

Where can I change my password?

You can change your password after logging in to our learning platform under the "Account" and "Reset password" menu items.

Through which payment provider are payments processed at SkyQuestions?

We use the infrastructure of Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd. for payment processing.

How secure is the purchase in the Skyquestions online shop?

We treat our online shop with the utmost attention and sensitivity. All payment and customer data is transmitted encrypted.

Where can I purchase a subscription?

Purchases are possible for registered users under the "Store" menu item.

From when can I use the purchased subscription?

Once the payment is completed, you can use the purchased subscription.

How long is a purchased subscription valid?

A SkyQuestions subscription is valid for a specific period depending on the chosen time model. After the expiration of the period, the subscription automatically renews. You can cancel your subscription at any time at the end of the agreed upon term under "account" "manage subscriptions."

Can I temporarily pause my subscription if I am not studying for a certain period of time?

No, unfortunately, pausing the subscription is not possible.

Are there discounts for groups?

We are happy to consider possible discounts for groups of 5 or more people. Feel free to contact us at info@skyquestions.com for this purpose.

Can I use SkyQuestions for free?

Registration for the SkyQuestions learning platform is free of charge. Without a paid subscription, a demo version is available for each license. The demo version includes approximately ten questions. To access all questions for a license, a paid subscription is required.

How many different people can use my SkyQuestions account?

Registration for SkyQuestions is valid for one person only. Sharing usernames and passwords is not allowed and will be prosecuted.

Will the questionnaire be updated by SkyQuestions when a new question database is released?

With a valid SkyQuestions subscription, you will receive all updates to the question database free of charge.

How can I cancel my SkyQuestions subscription?

You can cancel your Skyquestions subscription at any time in the learning platform under "account" "manage subscriptions" at the end of the agreed term.

Which internet browser is suitable for using SkyQuestions?

You can use SkyQuestions with all common browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Google Chrome.

Can I use the SkyQuestions learning platform offline?

SkyQuestions is a cloud-based learning platform. Therefore, an active internet connection is required.

Contact us

Get in touch with us via mail Get in Touch with SkyQuestions via Mail